PAT-甲级-1031-Hello World for U (20 分)
Given any string of N (≥5) characters, you are asked to form the characters into the shape of U
. For example, helloworld
can be printed as:
h d
e l
l r
That is, the characters must be printed in the original order, starting top-down from the left vertical line with n1 characters, then left to right along the bottom line with n2 characters, and finally bottom-up along the vertical line with n3 characters. And more, we would like U
to be as squared as possible – that is, it must be satisfied that n1=n3=max { k | k≤n2 for all 3≤n2≤N } with n1+n2+n3−2=N.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. Each case contains one string with no less than 5 and no more than 80 characters in a line. The string contains no white space.
Output Specification:
For each test case, print the input string in the shape of U as specified in the description.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
h !
e d
l l
分析:首先需要确定宽和高的长度。经过手动模拟,发现所有字符串s可以按长度对3取余分为三类:余数为0、余数为1、余数为2。当长度为3 * n时(余数为0),高为n,宽为n+2;当长度为3 * n - 2(余数为1)时,高和宽都是n;当长度为3 * n - 1(余数为2)时,高为n,宽为n+1。用cnt控制输出字符即可,每一行第一个字符的小标和最后一个字符的下标加起来为length-1(length为字符串长度)。
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